Brow lift
A brow lift works by raising the skin and soft tissue of the brow and forehead.
What is brow lift treatment?
A brow lift is a procedure that aims to rejuvenate the face by raising the eyebrows and reducing the appearance of frown lines and forehead lines. It improves the forehead's appearance, as well as producing a more youthful appearance to the brow and the area around the eyes. A brow lift works by raising the skin and soft tissue of the brow and forehead. Having eyebrows that are too low can give a tired and sad appearance. With a brow lift, a more refreshed look can be achieved.
A brow lift can be done as a standalone treatment, or along with other facial procedures such as a facelift or blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).
Am I a good candidate for brow lift?
You could be a suitable candidate for a brow lift if you agree with one or some of the following:
- you have a low eyebrow position which you want elevated,
- you have upper eyelids which droop,
- you have poor eyebrow symmetry,
- you have brow wrinkles,
- you have forehead wrinkles.
During the consultation, Mr Chummun will take a full medical history and will examine you. He will discuss the most appropriate treatment option, including risks that are involved and the recovery period after surgery.
During the surgery
Recovery from brow lift
After the surgery, you will stay in hospital for 1-2 days and will have bandages around your head. In some cases, a catheter may be placed near the incision site to drain excess blood and fluid. You will receive instructions on how to look after your wounds and what you can and cannot do in order to enhance your recovery.
Get in touch
If you have any queries or would like to book an appointment, please use the contact form or get in touch via call or email.